Sunday, March 30, 2008

i am remembering some good times...

i am getting excited about having a little bub-e is hard to remember that nash was once this tiny. i heart him!


Tim and Shay said...

That is so sweet! Are you prego?

Class and Sass said...

ARE YOU KIDDING!!!??? Call me up I miss you! I would love to go to walmart with you and a screaming child and if I go there will be 2 screaming children!! LOL!

Barnes Blog said...

I can't believe your prego! That is so exciting. Ok so you Tagged me, what are we being tagged for this time? is it the Prego tag? If it is, we are so there it's not even funny. No j/k, we wnat another, but it just won't come. No shocker therait took us, what seemed like, forever with Calvin so we'll see. Congrats! That's way cool.

Abram and Ashley said...

You have such cute little boy! I hope my next is a boy!

Abram and Ashley said...

My doc is Dr. Huish. Are you pregnant too?