Monday, May 19, 2008

Peanutbutter & Apples...yummy

can you tell he loved it?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mother's Day - Kinda a Secret

So I didn't post all of them, but here are some dang cute ones. Don't you just wanna kiss these kids! I LOVE THEM ALL! Our Mother's Day Tradition continues! TRADITION!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

i am remembering some good times...

i am getting excited about having a little bub-e is hard to remember that nash was once this tiny. i heart him!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

just because.

at the park for our community breakfast. it was FREEZING. and nash wanted to go up the stairs...
addi and nash after christmas... we were playing rock band and the kids were playing with eachother.

don't ask me about the face. he looks very chuckie right here. but who can resist a funny photo!

Friday, January 18, 2008

played the middle of winter

what else is new? Nash loves to be outside. He runs to the door and screams "OW-SIDE"!
The other night he brought me my sandals, said"Shss" then ran to the door and said"OW-SIDE". He is so smart! I love that he is 14 months old and can communicate with me so well! I let him run around the other day outside only because I was about to pull my hair out otherwise.

He would run around, scream and play, eat rocks and then come to the door and make sure I was watching him. I love my little boy, he is so fun!

I REALLY want to have a photography business...but only for fun. I would love to take some classes or just have some people with some spare time that would let me get them all dressed up and take 'em to the pecans or something and let us just have fun!!!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

where he loves to play

Nash loves to play OUTSIDE. All day everyday if I would let him. Nash spent the night at GMA and GPA McCleve's last night and today did pretty much just this.

Eating rocks, playing in the grass, shaking the pool fence, playing on the "bridge", finding and saying "ball", etc.

Nash loves to play outside!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

silly boy

i love to take photos of nash, but it seems like i can't get him to hold still.
see the bruise on his forhead? a few days ago i was doing laundry and This One decides to play in the laundry room by himself. 10 seconds and one crash later....WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! His first goose egg. Special.

I have the dream and intention of having a studio one day. Some place where I can have backgrounds and not have to crop everything out, ya know?

He will be 14 months on the 13th! WOW!